Protection des données

The Publisher: The person, natural or legal, who publishes communication services to the public online.
The Site: All the sites, Internet pages and online services offered by the Publisher.
The User: The person using the Site and the services.
Nature of the data collected
In the context of the use of the Sites, the Publisher is likely to collect the following categories of data concerning its Users:

Connection data (IP addresses, event logs ...)

Communication of personal data to third parties
No communication to third parties
Your data is not the subject of any communication to third parties. You are informed, however, that they may be disclosed in application of a law, a regulation or by decision of a competent regulatory or judicial authority.

Prior information for the communication of personal data to third parties in the event of a merger / absorption
Prior information and possibility of opt-out before and after the merger / acquisition
In the event that we take part in a merger, acquisition or any other form of transfer of assets, we are committed to guaranteeing the confidentiality of your personal data and to inform you before they are transferred. or subject to new confidentiality rules.
Purpose of the reuse of the personal data collected
Perform operations relating to customer management concerning
the contracts ; the orders ; the deliveries ; the bills ; accounting and in particular customer account management
a loyalty program within one or more legal entities;
monitoring customer relations such as conducting satisfaction surveys, managing complaints and after-sales service
the selection of customers to carry out studies, surveys and product tests (except with the consent of the persons concerned collected under the conditions provided for in article 6, these operations must not lead to the establishment of profiles likely to reveal sensitive data - racial or ethnic origins, philosophical, political, union, religious opinions, sex life or people's health)
Perform prospecting operations
the management of technical prospecting operations (which notably includes technical operations such as standardization, enrichment and deduplication)
the selection of people to carry out loyalty, prospecting, survey, product test and promotion actions. Unless the consent of the persons concerned is obtained under the conditions provided for in article 6, these operations must not lead to the establishment of profiles likely to reveal sensitive data (racial or ethnic origins, philosophical, political, trade union, religious, sex life or people's health)
carrying out solicitation operations
Development of trade statistics

The updating of its prospecting files by the organization in charge of managing the list of objections to canvassing, in application of the provisions of the consumer code

The organization of contests, lotteries or any promotional operation excluding online games of chance subject to the approval of the Online Games Regulatory Authority

Managing requests for the right of access, rectification and opposition

Management of unpaid debts and litigation, provided that it does not relate to offenses and / or that it does not entail exclusion of the person from the benefit of a right, a service or a contract

Managing people's opinions on products, services or content

Data aggregation
Aggregation with non-personal data
We may publish, disclose and use aggregated information (information relating to all of our Users or specific groups or categories of Users that we combine so that an individual User can no longer be identified or mentioned) and the information non-personal for sector and market analysis, demographic profiling, promotional and advertising purposes, and other commercial purposes.

Aggregation with personal data available on the User's social accounts
If you connect your account to an account of another service in order to cross-send, that service may communicate your profile and connection information to us, as well as any other information for which you have authorized disclosure. We may aggregate information relating to all of our other Users, groups, accounts, with personal data available to the User.

Identity data collection
Free consultation
Consultation of the Site does not require registration or prior identification. E